How soon can I get a dumpster?

Usually same or next day.

How long can I keep it for?

We do not have a standard amount of rental time. Some people are done in a day, some in a week and others longer.

How long is included in the price?

We include some time at no extra cost. After that it will cost extra.

Do you deliver on weekends?

Possibly Saturday, no Sunday deliveries.

What size dumpster do I need?

10 yard holds 50-70 trash bags

15 yard holds 80-100 trash bags

20 yard holds 110-130 trash bags

30 yard holds 170+ trash bags

Do I need a permit?


What's allowed in the dumpster?

Wood, sheetrock, metal, insulation, roof shingle, siding, windows, doors, kitchen cabinets, bathroom demo, paper, plastic, clothes and fabrics, furniture(unless broken down/smashed sofas costs extra), carpet, vinyl flooring, dishes, yard waste, brush, computers(monitors cost extra), glass, mirrors, stereos, electric cables, bed frames.

What's not allowed?

Hazardous, chemicals, containments, flammables, liquid paint and oils, large tires(car tires OK for an additional charge), drums, railroad ties, fluorescent bulbs, more that two wheelbarrows worth of asphalt concrete brick and dirt.

Are your dumpsters rusted, rotting, falling apart and will it be a huge eye sore on my property?

No, we take excellent care of our equipment.

Can I rent it for one day?

Yes we can drop it off one day and pick it up the next.

Do you put wood under it?


Is there a door?

Yes, in the back.

Do you pay your employees fair wages and is your equipment presentable?


Are taxes included in the price?

Taxes don't apply.

When do I pay?

Ahead of delivery.

Forms of payment?

Credit card.